My name is Thomas and for years I’ve been wondering what time actually means. The past and future are infinitely long periods of time. And yet it is always only the few seconds of the present that decide my future.
I have been carrying out, researching and teaching complex projects in the field of mechanical engineering and IT for 40 years. In doing so, I have been able to get to the very roots of the phenomenon of time and the interaction between the present and the future. As always in life, in the end there are only a few crucial things that you have to get right. I would like to share these insights with you.
Part of dealing with time is the wish to capture outstanding moments. I’ve come a long way from taking carefree analogue photos as a child, to the classic darkroom, to digital, to generative AI. But here, too, I realized that for me the solution lies in limiting myself to the essentials. And in photography, you can’t limit yourself more – at least in terms of size – than with a Minox camera.
The more I thought about it, the more different aspects became important:
How do we perceive the world?
How do we get an idea of our surroundings?
How can I capture these images and moments?
What do I have to do now so that my future will be the way I want it to be?
There were already many answers, but I still had to work out many of them. I would like to share the results on this website in the hope that you can build on them and develop them further. The topics range from photography to epistemology and project management to very practical things such as Minox cameras and their restoration.
Join me in discovering the Moments of Now!
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